Generations at Carey – Meet Renatie Gee and family

Generations at Carey – Meet Renatie Gee and family

We love having new generations of students come to Carey! 

Renatie Gee graduated in the Class of 2007 and her daughter Poppie has started Kindergarten this year. 

Many of you will recognise her parents, Russell and Poppie Gee, who have taught in the Primary School for 20 years. 

Since graduating 15 years ago, Renatie has completed a degree in Nursing and a postgraduate in Clinical Nursing. She has worked as a surgical nurse, staff development nurse and now as an emergency department nurse in the Perth metro area. She has just started doing relief with the nurses in the Secondary Health Centre.

Renatie said she has fond memories of her time at Carey, especially the supportive and caring staff that left a lasting impact on her and gave her the confidence to pursue her academic endeavours. 

“I have even been able to stay in touch with my Year 12 tutor Mrs Fryer who continues to encourage and uplift me through all seasons of life.”


“It’s been exciting to come full circle and have a child starting her education here. It’s so nice to send her to Carey because I have experienced firsthand how dedicated the staff are in ensuring students thrive. It’s also been so great to meet new parents and I’m looking forward to many more years of drop off/pick up chats.” Renatie said. 

Welcome back Renatie!