Harrisdale 2024 Secondary NAPLAN Results

This week, the results of the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) were released to the public.  NAPLAN is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, and is the only nationwide assessment that all Australian children undertake. It’s a measure to see whether or not young Australians are developing the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for other learning and for their productive and rewarding participation in the community.

At Carey, we are strong supporters of national testing. NAPLAN helps our teachers 

  • better identify students who need greater challenges or extra support
  • identify strengths and areas of need in teaching programs
  • set improvement goals in literacy and numeracy

NAPLAN also complements other school assessments and provides nationally comparable data to help governments evaluate how education programs are working and whether students are meeting important literacy and numeracy standards.

Our NAPLAN results this year are again very strong, demonstrating achievement well above both state and national benchmarks. This reflects the exceptional efforts of our staff, students, and parents in creating a safe and positive environment that highly values learning.

The national benchmark for each area of NAPLAN is to achieve a proficiency standard of strong. Students achieving a proficiency standard of developing or needs additional support are not considered to have met the national benchmark.

Whilst we are proud of our students’ results, we believe that a good education extends well beyond the scope of national testing. Not all forms of learning can be quantified. Many of our students excel in the humanities, science, and the arts, as well as in creative thinking, communication, technical skills, industry-related abilities, sports, and environmental stewardship. We are a values-based community, and we believe that character growth is the strongest marker for student success in life.