From the Principal

In encouraging our students to develop their potential, we place a major emphasis on supportive teaching and learning environments, both within and beyond the classroom.
Carey Baptist College is developing a strong reputation for outstanding academic achievement, positive pastoral care, and a rich diversity of co-curricular activities, including service learning.

Our reputation reflects a commitment to provide the best all-round education for our students by challenging them in their intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual development.

Secondary learning takes place within a faith-based values system that encourages students to become independent, creative and flexible learners. This, together with a strong sense of responsibility to their community, reflects the best traditions of an independent Baptist education.

Carey’s Secondary education features:

  • A tradition of graduating exceptional young men and women of character and capacity.
  • Outstanding graduation pathways with a wide selection of both ATAR and Vocational qualifications.
  • Highly respected Arts and Music co-curricular programs.
  • A safe, rigorous and engaging learning community of over 850 secondary students.

I warmly encourage parents of potential students to visit the College and meet with myself and our leadership team. I invite you to experience a tour of our facilities whilst students are at work, and have a conversation about how a Carey education could add value to your son or daughter’s future.

Mr Brenden Gifford

Principal, Secondary School

Course Information Handbook

Our suite of Course Information Handbooks include current and important information about the courses available to our Secondary School students at Carey Harrisdale. Click on the relevant school year’s publication below to view online or contact the College to request a printed copy.

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Pages from Year 11 and 12 Course Information Handbook 2025


The Year 7 to 10 WA Curriculum provides a coherent and comprehensive set of prescribed content and achievement standards.

We use these to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents.

In Years 11 and 12, we offer a wide range of courses in both ATAR and Vocational Pathways, in addition to a number of VET Certificate courses.

Most VET courses are delivered on campus by Carey educators, while some are offered off-campus with students attending TAFE or RTO providers for a day out of their weekly program.

In addition, we also offer some endorsed programs in Years 10 to 12, which contribute to the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

For more information about the curriculum and course offerings, please read our prospectus or download our course information booklets above.

Learning Outcomes
At Carey, we place a high value on pastoral and pedagogical models that develop the following characteristics amongst Carey students:
  • Responsible Learners
  • Lifelong Learners
  • Collaborative Learners
  • Effective Communicators
  • Critical and Creative Thinkers
  • Quality Producers and Consumers
  • Credible and Just Citizens
Students use devices from Year 7 to Year 12. We are a ‘Mac School’, transitioning to Chrome and Google based platforms that are technically and developmentally appropriate for each level of learning.
Extension & Streaming
The Curriculum aims to extend and enrich students through content that encourages them to delve deeper into learning and further develop skills and competencies. This is enhanced by the streaming process in Year 7 to 10 where students are engaged at individually assessed levels according to their performance.
  • Years 7 to 8: Students entering Year 7 are generally placed in mixed ability classes. Streaming begins in Maths and Science, where the students are streamed into two levels — Extension and Mainstream.
  • Years 9 to 10: Students are streamed for Maths, English, Science, and Humanities (MESH) classes. This provides students with the opportunity to extend their capabilities and work at a pace that reflects their ability level. Student streams and marks in Year 10 are used to guide the subjects that students can choose for Year 11 and 12.
  • Years 11 to 12: Year 11 and 12 students choose their courses by meeting subject prerequisites achieved on the Semester One reports in Year 10 and by considering their future aspirations. Students aim to complete their WA Certificate of Education (WACE) and continue their education at University or at TAFE.
  • Students will choose between an Australian Tertiary Aggregate Rank (ATAR) pathway that aims to provide students with an ATAR for entrance to University or a Vocational (VET) pathway that aims to provide students with a range of General courses, national qualifications and workplace learning. This pathway is designed for students who are aiming to attend TAFE, pursue an apprenticeship or are considering alternative University entrance pathways.
Exams begin in Year 9 as part of Carey’s rigorous and challenging approach to start equipping students for the demands of Senior School. Teachers prepare students for these exams, explaining the process and providing a framework for revision.
Academic Record
We celebrate highly competitive ATAR results — approximately 50% of our ATAR students ranking in the top 20% of ATAR students in Australia annually. Further, a high percentage of Carey ATAR students are offered places in their first preference course.

All vocational pathway graduates complete at least one nationally accredited Certificate II or higher.

Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care Team and educators work together for the wellbeing of students throughout their journey in Secondary School.

Positive, healthy relationships assist our students to effectively navigate the challenges of adolescence and help them to thrive in the school environment.

Our behaviour code is founded on our core-College values and healthy behaviour is expected, taught, and affirmed.

Our dedicated Psychologist, Secondary Chaplain, and Year Managers partner with Carey educators and Leadership to ensure a safe and caring environment.

At Carey, Pastoral Care is based on our core belief that we are all made in the image of God.

Our approach to Pastoral Care reflects our commitment for every student to grow, develop and achieve their potential.

Our systems are framed with this commitment, reflected by high expectations in learning and behaviour.

We expect our students to strive for excellence in their achievement and encourage and enable others to do the same.

The Chaplain plays a key role in our Secondary Pastoral Care team, working with Year Managers, coming alongside students when there are social, emotional, or spiritual challenges.

Christian Education

Consistent with our vision and mission, the College views Christian Education as a key foundation in our curriculum.

At Carey, we recognise and respect that developmentally, students are exploring, questioning and deciding much of their worldview.

We believe in offering opportunities for wise inquiry and authentic experience towards the transforming love of God and this cannot be forced.

We believe in the importance of values and ethics and for this reason, we have developed a Beliefs and Values studies course that is age-appropriate for each year group.

Our students learn how religious experience has consequently shaped the human experience and begin to see the significance of service.

Additionally, Christian values and faith permeate our teaching methodology and College culture.

Our Christian educators may include prayers or Christian reference within the classroom, our College Assemblies reflect and honour God and our Chaplain offers relevant courses to students that connect our students with the Bible.

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College Life

We’ve been intentional in building a college community that not only focuses on academic achievement, but social connections, sporting and creative programs, and strong community networks.

The Arts
  • Highly respected Arts, Drama and Music programs.
  • Masterclass Visual Art Program.
  • Annual Visual Art Exhibitions.
  • Art Award entries through The Lester prize, Atwell Youth, St Georges Cathedral, Outside the Frame and Southern perspectives.
  • Annual Youth on Health Festival (Dance and Drama).
  • Annual Dance Concert.
  • Associated with the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts and provision of a Drama extra-curricular and WACE endorsed program.
  • Annual Music Camp and state and national competitions.
  • Renowned Instrumental Music Tuition.
  • Year 11 and 12 Music Recitals.
  • A variety of music ensembles and bands.
  • Active connections with WAAPA, the James Morrison Academy and UWA Conservatorium of Music.
  • College Musical Productions.
  • Carey's Aviation Program, as it develops, will create the opportunity for students to study and experience aeronautics, navigation, UAVs, programming, mechanics and from Year 8, flight instruction.
  • The study of aviation at Carey is not only for students wanting to become pilots, but for anyone interested in the aviation industry, including air traffic controllers, drone operators, engineers, mechanics, administrators and business operators.
  • Our partnership with the Royal Aero Club and the Western Australian Aviation College stand to give our students a technical and commercial advantage.
  • Regular excursions and incursions.
  • Year 7 Day Camp.
  • Year 8 Day Camp.
  • Year 9 Day Camp.
  • Year 10 Careers Camp.
  • Year 11 Residential Camp.
  • Year 12 Rottnest Beliefs and Values Retreat.
  • Year 11 and 12 Outdoor Education Camps.
  • Music Camps.
  • Generations in Jazz Mt Gambier Trip.
  • Year 11 and 12 Student Leadership Camp.
  • Bibbulmun Track Club.
GATE Programs and Scholarships
  • Each year, we welcome students in Year 6 to apply for GATE Programs and Scholarships for entry into Year 7 for the following year. Program information is released early each year, with scholarships offered by the end of Term 1.
  • Three programs and scholarships are currently available: STEM Program and Scholarships (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Music Specialist Program and Scholarships, and Academic Excellence Scholarships.
House System
  • The Secondary School House System has six houses. These are named after the Nyoongar seasons – Birak, Bunuru, Djeran, Makuru, Djilba and Kambarang.
  • Students start school each day in their House Room and compete in a weekly House Competition before lunch on Wednesday (House Day). House competitions can range from academic challenges to cultural and sporting activities.
  • A variety of student leadership opportunities are available in the House System.
  • The integration of our Pastoral Care and House system empowers students to find their place of belonging and fosters a competitive spirit underpinned by a communal ethos within the College.
  • Japanese Exchange Program.
  • Debating and Mock Trials.
  • Participating in State and National Maths and Science Competitions.
  • Outstanding graduation pathways with a wide selection of both ATAR and Vocational qualifications.
  • Focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
  • GATE STEM Study Tour to Singapore.
  • Specialist Basketball and Soccer Programs taught by two of Perth's finest coaches, Shawn Redhage (Australian Boomers and Perth Wildcats) and Mark Lee (Perth Glory, Blyth Spartans, Gateshead, Easington and Consett).
  • Participation in inter-house sport carnivals such as swimming, athletics, cross country and opportunities to represent the College at an inter-school level.
  • Students participate in SAS, Interschool Sport Competitions that run throughout Term 1 and 2. There are several seasonal team options in the SAS Competitions, including Cricket, Basketball, Netball, AFL, Soccer, Volleyball, Touch Rugby and many more.
  • A variety of Co-Curricular sport opportunities, including Equestrian, Soccer and Cheerleading.
  • Running Club through Carey Right Track Foundation.
  • A reputable Outdoor Education Program, which includes offsite camping and training. Students have the opportunity to obtain their Bronze Medallion.
X-Over Program (Crossover)
  • All Year 10 students are involved in a service learning program – X-Over Program.
  • The Programs are designed to connect Carey students with each other, their community and their world.
  • The Programs encourage student leadership and have involved students engaging in local projects with first aid and wildlife rescue programs, environmental programs on the Bibbulmun and Cape to Cape tracks, Ningaloo Reef and international programs in countries including Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Nepal.
  • Proactive engagement with parents.
  • On-site Chaplain and Secondary Psychologist.
  • Respected programs promoting social, emotional and spiritual development.
  • Leadership and mentoring opportunities.
  • Values-based school culture.
  • Strong pastoral care emphasis with high behaviour standards.
  • Guest speakers and developmental workshops.

Year 7 Transition Program

Your child becomes an integral part of the Secondary School community as they begin Year 7 at Carey. Our Orientation Day gives all students an informal start to school while they are in Year 6. We place an emphasis on building relationships and familiarity with staff and the campus — while having fun!

Carey educators and Pastoral Care staff journey with Year 7 students, and Pastoral Care Programs are in place for extra support. The Year Manager will support your child and their Homeroom Teacher meets with them daily. Through the House Program Year 7’s are connected to older students who help facilitate their competitions and act as mentors in areas of school life.

There are plenty of opportunities available for students to explore hidden talents through our range of Electives and Co-Curricular activities. Students also attend a Year 7 day Camp, which focuses on building relationships with peers by encouraging inclusivity and participation.

As your child makes a start in Secondary School we encourage them to connect with one of our clubs. It’s a great way to meet other students with similar interests. Please also keep an eye out for additional opportunities as the year progresses.

Workplace Learning Program

Carey Baptist College offers Workplace Learning as an Authority- Developed Endorsed Program. All General and Vocational Education Training students in Years 11 and 12 complete Workplace Learning as part of their studies. Workplace Learning consists of an application, safety, interview and induction process. Students then take part in practical, on-site placements which run for two weeks during June and November. Year 10 students may also access Workplace Learning as part of the X-Over Program towards the end of Term 4.

Workplace Learning provides students with the opportunity to explore their curiosity and future career prospects.

Many of our students successfully gain full-time apprenticeships as a result of the Workplace Learning Program.

Affiliated Organisations

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