Carey is a place where staff and parents partner together to create an environment where students can flourish — physically, intellectually, socially, and spiritually — regardless of their age and stage of learning.

Our goal is to prepare children for a future beyond school; a future we cannot yet imagine, but one that opens the door to exciting opportunities and challenges.

In partnership with parents, we prepare students to step into the future with confidence and resilience.

We want to arm them with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that will enable them to find passion and purpose, and be a difference-maker.

Our 25 years of experience in providing quality education has enabled us to refine our educational delivery and maintain a culture of academic rigour and educational excellence.

Visitors to our College often say there’s ‘something special’ about Carey.

We encourage you to experience that ‘something special’ for yourself.

You too will be welcomed as you tour our campuses, meet our staff and discover what a Carey education would mean for your child.

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What We Believe

At the heart of our College is a deep belief that every person is created by God, uniquely made, and therefore, of worth and value.

With this foundational belief, we are intentional in our provision of an environment that is nurturing and supportive. We value inclusivity and believe that our community is richer for the diversity of nationalities, religions, interests and abilities of our students and families.

The Carey Community provides a place for families to belong and support others. It is also a place where families can be supported and cared for as we journey together.


To equip young people to be of Godly character and influence. We achieve this by challenging and encouraging students to seek personal excellence as lifelong learners in their spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical and social development.


To set a standard of educational excellence in Australia as an institution whose ethos and practice is based upon Christian precepts.


The core Carey values of Courage, Respect, Humility, Integrity and Kindness make up the pillars of why we do what we do and provide the foundation from which we seek to share the love and grace of God. Our values provide the framework for all what we do at Carey, including teaching and learning.

Our Purpose

The College exists to not only disseminate education to our students but to shape their orientation to the world – an exercise in formation. Our task is to prepare students for their activity and work in the world, in order to achieve God’s purposes.

Our Key Strategic Areas for Development

Teaching and Learning
We will develop teaching and learning that is distinctly Christian, that promotes excellence and develops the skills and mindsets of lifelong learners equipped to live, work and play as valuable citizens in global and local communities.

Developing Leaders
We will develop aspiring leaders within both staff and student communities in ways that build servant-hearted leaders aligned with our values.

Identity and Culture
Recognising that all of us are created in the image of God, we will shape our culture and identity through modelling restorative practices, honouring one another in conflict and being trustworthy in all that we do.

Growing Community
We will continue to build community partnerships and utilise common communication platforms as we respond to contemporary needs in our communities.