Everyday Leaders – Global Change: Beliefs & Values Conference Day Recap

Everyday Leaders – Global Change: Beliefs & Values Conference Day Recap

The theme of our Beliefs & Values Conference Day for 2024 was ‘Everyday Leaders – Global Change’. We partnered with Global Leadership Summit to run our conference GLS Next Gen style. 

In line with our social justice theme, the aim of the day was that each student would leave knowing three simple ways that they could get involved in making a difference in their world.

Our House Leaders shared about Carey’s partnership with Compassion’s Make Poverty History schools campaign through our House fundraisers, such as the Staff vs. Students Volleyball Competition. We also heard from Carey alumni Jack Beeck, who shared about his time living in Mozambique with his missionary parents and his thoughts about poverty. He emphasised the value of working with existing organisations on the ground, over one-off handouts.!

The second was making informed choices about our purchases

Ed Divine from Baptist World Aid ran a poverty simulation game where students played the part of Bangladesh factory workers making ‘fast fashion’. Students quickly realised the futility of trying to escape poverty through the system, and many resorted to corruption and crime, which made for a fantastic discussion in the debrief. Making different choices around our purchasing power is a small change students can make in daily life, with global impact.

The third was raising money.

As GLS partners with World Vision, we asked our Year 11s to talk about their experience in last year’s 40-hour Famine, during which Carey Youth raised the most money in the state. The Year 11s passionately invited their peers to participate in the Famine this year by joining the combined Carey Youth and College team Carey Baptist Harrisdale.

We were grateful to our College Captains, Taya and Jacob, for acting as our MCs for the day, and to other student leaders who took responsibility for setting up and packing up, running games, and addressing their peers in various talks. 

– Mrs Katherine Lockwood | Head of Department – Beliefs & Values